Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Difference Between Being Proud and Having Pride

John and I have always been proud to be parents, own two cars, and to be homeowners. When we bought this house 4 years ago last month, we had high hopes for this house and could see its hidden potential. Unfortunately, the market began its downward spiral when we decided to take on this endeavor. So the potential we saw turned into one project after another for four years when the housing industry left us with less than we deserved on our previous home. I have often felt embarrassed by our homes appearance and I'm sure our neighbors questioned our two tone siding and rotting wood. So to say we are proud to own this house is true, but do we carry great pride in it now, absolutely. My parents made a generous gift to us in honor of my grandfather, who passed away in June. So I guess it is not our pride alone, for we share it with him, who I know would be proud, and my parents who take pride in our family.

A head on shot of the front of the house.

Angle view of the front of the house.

Close-up of dining room window, notice the rotting wood in the lower left corner.

Close-up of siding above garage. The main wall of our bedroom and the one that our bed sits against is probably 10 degrees cooler now and the absence of the distant Gene Snyder traffic noise kept us from sleeping the first night it was complete!

This is one window in our kitchen bay, it literally fell apart when they took the old one out.

Exterior view of bay, again notice in the last picture the rotting wood.


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