Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Leila!!!

Believe it or not, the young lady whose birhtday we were celebrating, who happens to be one of the owners of Tassels, just turned 70! I know, we don't believe it either, we all only wish we had her energy and wit! We took the party to Havana Rumba in Middletown, one of our favs, for dinner and cake. What a fantastic group of people who love each other and are the best of friends! The cake was a personal creation and strawberry in flavor.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sprinkle Time!

With my sister's due date only a few weeks away, it was time to celebrate with a shower, or sprinkle with Miss Harper being her second little bundle of joy. Let's just start by saying what doesn't look cuter with a monogram?? She looked beautiful and the gifts were adorable. What a wonderful day and a wonderful time to celebrate with friends and family!!

This was my pic, love the brown and pink combo and how cute will Harper look next summer when she matches her older cousin Abby....I couldn't resist!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Fourth of July...1 Day Early!

The kids and I were so excited to spend the evening with some great friends and family at Greg and Gena's picturesque home with Uncle James, Aunt Nancy, Nicholas and Meghan and all of their friends. And as in years past they did not disappoint with fantastic fireworks and great food! Until Mother Nature decided to give her own light show.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Fourth of July...Two Days Early!

We've been fortunate the past several years to be invited by my sister to their neighborhood fireworks to celebrate the Fourth of July. So after some plans fell apart this year we were still able to make it for some family time and some beautiful fireworks, not to mention some very yummy gelato! Thanks Ashley and Andy for the invite!!

A Fun Day at Creekside Park

So down the street from my old house the city has developed the first phase of a new park, which happily consists of a fantastic plaground and splash park. It was perfect summer day, not to hot and the kids had a blast with the neighbors who met us there. Neighbors means three kids for my three to play with and another mommy for me to enjoy adult conversation with, it was a win/win afternoon!!

A rare opportunity to get all six kids in one picture, from left to right, Caitlyn in the pink one piece, Abby, Aiden, Gracie, Sophie, and Dylan.

I don't know if I laughed more anticipating what was to come or her reaction when it happened!

Wish they had this suit in my size, so cute!

I just want to squeeze her!